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Fourteen photos of volcanoes that you can use as desktop wallpaper. more

There are over 1,500 active volcanoes in the world and fifty to seventy of them erupt every year. Most of them are found in the area of ​​the ring of fire. The vast majority of the highest volcanoes in the world lie in the Andes. more

The Institute of Science and Technology Austria produced a study that confirms that since 1980 multi-year droughts have become more common with a warming climate. The study seeks to inform policy regarding the environmental impact of human-induced climate change. Thanks to this even previously overlooked events were detected. The entire drought study is publicly available in the form of a forty-year global quantitative inventory published in the journal Science. more

As a result of the recent 6.8-magnitude earthquake that hit the Tibet region several dams are now at risk and at risk of breaching. China and India have built 68 dams in the Tibet region and another hundred are planned. The country is thus trying to use the enormous potential of hydropower lakes and rivers at high altitudes.   more

The use of plastics has skyrocketed over the past decade, and statistics reveal that in 2021, each member of the European Union produced an average of 36 kilograms of plastic waste. Microplastics are currently found almost everywhere and have been found in water, food, fish and breast milk. Scientists from the Kaunas University of Technology emphasize that proper waste management is necessary to reduce risks. more

In recent years there has been a record warming of the oceans. The ocean covers seventy percent of the earth's surface and reaches high temperatures not only on the surface but also at depths of up to two thousand meters. A new study by the Chinese Academy of Sciences examines this issue in detail and highlights the crucial role of the oceans in shaping life on Earth and its future trajectory. more

Fourteen winter animal themed photos that you can use as your desktop wallpaper more

Firefighters have been battling several wildfires in Los Angeles County for days unable to extinguish them. According to the latest information the flames have destroyed over ten thousand homes and claimed ten lives. The Palisade Fire has become the most destructive fire in Los Angeles history burning down the expensive homes of many celebrities. more

A treacherous combination of rising temperatures and dried-up fuels has made Canada's forests far more prone to large wildfires over the past few decades, a new study has revealed. The impacts of climate change are most evident in the most forested areas of the Northern Hemisphere where devastating fires are occurring more and more frequently. more

Fourteen photos of winter landscapes that you can use as your desktop background. more

On Saturday heavy snow hit mainly the UK and Germany causing power outages and traffic complications. During Sunday the snowfall has already affected most of Europe and as a result of the advancing warm front ice is forming in many places. more

Meteorologists expect a sharp cold snap in the eastern US soon due to the movement of the polar vortex. In neighboring Canada, temperatures hover around minus forty degrees Celsius in most areas. Below-average temperatures should last on the east and southeast coasts until mid-January. more

An analysis of insurance payouts for 2024 revealed that the ten costliest climate disasters caused $229 billion in damages. In recent years the planet has been facing increasingly severe and frequent climate disasters that affect millions of inhabitants. more

A few days ago a snowstorm hit the Balkan states which brought a surprisingly large amount of snow and caused power outages in more than two hundred thousand households. Snowdrifts paralyzed traffic and cut off some areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina. more

Fourteen Christmas themed photos that you can use as your desktop wallpaper. more

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Beautiful photos of nature as the wallpapers for your desktop

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